Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Personal opinion time

I know plenty of friends that have taken quizzes like this. I am even guilty myself. However, I took my quiz more so for giggles. I was never serious about what the results where or could be. In fact I thought the results I got where hilarious. Upon taking my first quiz, (before my first tattoo) it said I should get some kind of flower....Yeah I would never. Unless it's in a whole piece, but not standing alone. After I started getting tattoos, I took similar quizzes and oddly I did get a result saying I should get stars. Done and done.
Here's my opinion. Don't take a quiz like this and live by it. If you don't want the tattoo, don't get it. If you like the results, DO RESEARCH. You can play around with ideas, and even talk to a artist about their opinion. But never commit to a form of 'ink' if you aren't completely into it. I've done plenty spur of the moments tattoos. Do I regret them? No. Will I? Hell no. However, I do think now "what in the world stupid 18 year old kid." The only reason I say I don't regret my markings is because at the time I wanted it/them. (only feel this way about one) I live life as it comes, so I know when I got my little Chinese symbol it's exactly what I wanted on that day almost 3 years ago. My mom think I'll end up hating all my tattoos, but I doubt it. They're on me for a reason.


  1. Hmmm... good point. I finished, but didn't get my results. :( At one point I was thinking of getting something written in Arabic (I speak it), but I'm afraid that it MIGHT get messed up.

    1. Three of my tattoos are in latin. And the one Chinese symbol. I don't speak either, but I trust that the artist helped, and I did my research well enough that they do mean what the translations say. Fingers are crossed. If you trust yourself, no worries. Artist, if you trust them, are banging at making your tattoo perfect. Just do research before choosing your artist. You are allowed to go into a shop and talk to an artist, ask to his portfolio. I stumbled upon mine. I liked the shop, and he had done two of my random outta the blue pieces and I ended up just sticking to him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What you heard is true. Both statements. Different parts of your body feel the pain differently. (there is always the smallest amount of pain to SOME degree) I can tell you, certain places you think that would kill, don't and vice versa. My most painful area where my feet. My least painful was either behind my ear, or my finger to be honest. Even my lip tickled. It's honestly different for everyone. But I've experienced the pain side, and the scratching side. If you have sensitive skin that is something to take into consideration. I do have friends with that issue as well and have gotten tattoos. It wasn't the tattoo part that bothered them but the healing part. The healing took longer than most people's would. (certain body areas do take longer) As long as you know you want the tattoo, and perhaps a general idea I would def talk to an artist. A real artist who cares about their work, customers, and potential customers will take the time to talk with you. I was terrified for my first tattoo...The girl who did mine talked to me for 45 min about what I wanted and the pain issue. The owner of the shop even gave a stress ball while it was happening. My new guy who works at the same shop, still talks to me before ever tattoo esp if it's a new body part. We're completely opposite, but he cares about his work. If it's controlled, go for it. TALK AND ASK QUESTIONS!
